lunes, 9 de febrero de 2009

Nuevo SharePoint Diagnostics (SPDiag) Tool v1.0 for SharePoint Products and Technologies

Ya esta disponible el nuevo sharepoint Diagnoster como parte del Microsoft SharePoint Administration Toolkit v3.0,el cual pueden bajar de la siguiente direccion

Microsoft SharePoint Administration Toolkit v3.0 x86:
Microsoft SharePoint Administration Toolkit v3.0 x64:

Algunas de las nuevas caracteristicas son las siguientes:

Collect IIS and ULS log files, performance counter data, event logs, and WMI instrumentation data from a SharePoint farm.

  1. Filter data to show granular information related to specific servers, Web applications, HTTP requests, event IDs, URI queries, and almost any other data points captured through supported channels.
  2. Create custom reports that can help reveal performance trends over time.
  3. Create snapshots of your SharePoint farm that include detailed information about your farm’s hardware, installed software and logical topology.
  4. Export collected data and reports that can be sent to Microsoft support personnel.

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