Como lo he mencionado en múltiples ocasiones en este blog la gobernanza dentro de una solución SharePoint es un tema que erróneamente se deja de lado o se menosprecia lo cual es un grave error ya que una buena gobernanza es un componente vital para una buena implementación de una solución SharePoint , ya que sin gobernanza por mas bien instalada y configurada que este la herramienta y sus componentes, esta puede presentar graves problemas debido a que si no hay estándares,procedimientos, limites y seguridad que el usuario pueda seguir a la hora de utilizar e interactuar con el sitio, el mismo no será de mucha utilidad o valor agregado para la organización en la cual se implemento.
Debido a lo anterior me pareció una muy buena idea pasarles una parte de un muy buen post realizado por el SharePoint Team en su Blog sobre el tema de gobernanza y los recursos disponibles sobre el tema a continuación les copio la extensa lista de recursos
Resource Center (Governance in SharePoint Server 2010)
The Governance Resource Center provides documentation, references, and solutions to help IT Professionals plan and prepare to govern SharePoint 2010 environments. The Governance Resource Center aligns to three (3) specific areas:
1. IT Governance
2. Information Management
3. Application Management
Resource Center (ALM Resource Center | SharePoint 2010)
The ALM Resource Center provides documentation, resources, references, and solutions to help Developers with the coordination of all aspects of software engineering.
Whitepaper (SharePoint 2010 Governance Planning)
The SharePoint 2010 Governance Planning whitepaper targets the business value of governance and provides guidance for the necessary governance planning and implementation of SharePoint Server 2010.
Whitepaper (Implementing Governance in SharePoint 2010)
This document focuses on the product and technology aspects of SharePoint governance – the technical implementation. It provides high-level guidance on the many configuration options SharePoint provides to enable you to manage the environment for the benefit of all.
Whitepaper (SharePoint Server 2010 Operations Framework and Checklists)
This document details the operational processes, tasks, and tools that are required to operate and maintain a Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 environment. It explains how the management of SharePoint Server 2010 fits in with the overall Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) model.
Publication (Essential SharePoint 2010: Overview, Governance, and Planning (Addison-Wesley Microsoft Technology Series)
Essential SharePoint 2010 provides information derived from a business value perspective that documents and illustrates how to plan and implement SharePoint 2010-based solutions to maximize business results.
Virtual Lab (Configuring Tenant Administration on SharePoint Server 2010)
After completing this lab, you will be better able to create a new Tenant Administration site collection, manage site collections through Tenant Administration, and create a partitioned service application.
Virtual Lab (Monitoring SharePoint 2010)
The objective of this lab is to provide a basic introduction to using Service Level Monitoring to monitor services provided by SharePoint Server 2010. By the end of this lab you will be better able to create a Service Level Object, generate a Report of SharePoint Services Availability, and configure a Service Level Dashboard.
Active Directory Domain Services Markers
Active Directory Domain Services Markers can be used to prevent and report on SharePoint installations in your organization.
Quotas are used to specify limits to the amount of storage that can be used by a site collection and establish resource limits on sandboxed solutions.
Locks are used to prevent users from from adding content to or accessing site collections.
Self-Service Site Creation
Self-Service Site Creation is used to allow or prevent users from creating site collections on demand.
Adicional a todos estos recursos y soluciones pueden encontrar mas información en la pagina de technet al respecto
Espero que esta información les sea de mucha utilidad