jueves, 23 de octubre de 2008

Podcast Kit for Sharepoint

Les envio toda la informacion relacionada con este muy buen proyecto de codeplex, los insto a que bajen y prueben este excelente desarrollo

Pueden bajarlo aqui

A continuacion les copio la descripcion de funcionalidades de la herramienta:

Listen and watch audio/video podcasts, anywhere on your PC or mobile device (Zune, SmartPhone, or any podcasting device)
Share content by producing your own audio/video podcasts and publish them on PKS on your own.
Connect and engage with podcasters via your integrated instant messaging program
Find the most relevant content using the five star rating system, tag cloud, search engine and provide your feedback via comments.
Get automatic podcast updates by subscribing to RSS feeds fully compatible with Zune and other podcasting devices
Simple RSS feed based on a defined podcast series
Simple RSS feed based on a person
Dynamic RSS feed based on search results (will be implemented later in 2009)
Play podcasts in real-time using Microsoft® Silverlight™ and progressive playback
Retrieve instant ROI and metrics with the ability to track the number of podcasts downloaded and/or viewed, instant feedback via rating system and comments, and subscribers via the RSS feed
Access the richness of SharePoint to extend the solution: workflows, community sub-sites, access rights, editorial and more
Customize your own PKS User Experience

Curso de User Interface Paso a Paso

En el Blog de Hector Insua encontre esta referencia a un Excelente Curso en 10 Capitulos que nos indica como podemos personalizar la interfaz de usuario de SharePoint, con el siguiente ejemplo...

Framework gratuito de Sharepoint

ARF is an open source framework specifically designed for MOSS and WSS which makes creating accessible SharePoint publishing sites easier.
By giving you control over the HTML produced, ARF allows you to re-create designs exactly as they are meant to be.

By making use of XML and XSLT development time is dramatically reduced.
ARF is compatible with both MOSS and WSS, making accessible SharePoint sites easy with either product. In fact this site has been developed using WSS v3 and ARF.

Se puede Descargar Gratuitamente,

lunes, 6 de octubre de 2008

Anuncio del Simposio Latinoamericano de Sharepoint en ISPA

En su pagina principal nuestros amigos de ISPA (International Sharepoint Professional Asociation) nos han ayudado colocando un anuncio en http://www.sharepointpros.org/Pages/Default.aspx , adicionalmente nos han colaborado muchisimo siendouno de los patrocinadores del primer simposio latinoamericano de sharepoint

Grupo de Usuarios de SharePoint España

Hola Amig@s

La presente es para comunicarles sobre el lanzamiento oficial del nuevo Grupo de Usuarios de SharePoint España (http://www.suges.es/) y a su vez felicitar a nuestro amigo Gustavo Velez y desearle muchisimos exitos con este nuevo grupo de usuarios de sharepoint.

miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2008

August Cumulative Update for Office SharePoint Server 2007 and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

Desde el Blog de nuestro amigo Hector y el blog oficial de sharepoint nos llega la noticia sobre el cumulative update (un cambio en la manera como se manejan los hotfixes) lo cual es muy importante para todo los que estamos relacionados con infraestructura MOSS y WSS 3.0.

The Microsoft Office team has changed the way that it delivers hotfixes for reported problems. This change comes in the form of cumulative updates and critical on-demand hotfixes. The objective is to deliver high-quality fixes in an acceptable time and on a predictable schedule. Cumulative updates are scheduled for every two months, so customers can be better prepared to test and apply new updates. Those who need an emergency fix can request critical on-demand (COD) fix. For information, please refer to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/953878.
The detail of August Cumulative Update (CU) for Office SharePoint Server 2007 and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 can be found here:
Description of the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 hotfix package (Wssmui.msp): August 26, 2008
Description of the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 hotfix package: August 26, 2008
Description of the SharePoint Server 2007 hotfix package: August 26, 2008
Customers are not needed to install these updates unless they are affected by specific problems described in the KB articles. And these cumulative updates will be rolled in to Service Pack 2.
To upgrade from RTM to this new CU, you need to follow the path below:
1. Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Service Pack 1
2. The 2007 Microsoft Office Servers Service Pack 1
3. the Microsoft Office Servers Infrastructure Update x86 x64
4. KB 953397: Excel Server Security Update x86 x64
5. KB 955586: Document Lifecycle Workflow Update
6. August Cumulative Update for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (Global)
7. August Cumulative Update for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (Local)
8. August Cumulative Update for Microsoft Office Servers
After applied all these updates, run SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard or “psconfig –cmd upgrade –inplace b2b” in command line. This need to be done on every server in the farm with SharePoint installed.
The version of databases should be 12.0.6327 after all these updates.
For a better guided update process, customers would also like to check out the following guides. These articles provide a correct way to deploy updates, as well as known issues and how to do slipstream builds.
Deploy software updates for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
Deploy software updates for Office SharePoint Server 2007