- Bibliotecas de repositorios de estudios realizados
- Listas de Hospitales o Centros Médicos también localizados en un Mapa
- Blogs con Noticias de Ultimo momento.
- Foros de Consultas (Ask a Doctor)
- Videos Informativos, Animaciones generadas con Silverlight.
- Pedidos de Ayuda
- Subsitios para Hospitales con Información Local
- Repositorio para documentación de Pruebas de Campo.
- Bibliotecas de Imagen
- Opciones para Generar Donaciones para los Damnificados
- Exportar Reportes a Excel para Analisis de Datos
- Publicacion de los Ultimos Estudios Realizados
miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009
Como Podría SharePoint Ayudar en la Epidemia de Gripe Porcina
martes, 28 de abril de 2009
Funcionalidad Muy Interesante Windows XP Mode para Windows 7

Microsoft Office 2007 SP2 provee soporte nativo a documentos standards ODF y PDF, una imagen vale mas que mil palabras
Entre las nuevas funcionalidades que se mencionaron iba a brindar el sp2 de Office 2007 era el soporte nativo a los documentos ODF y PDF, y como una imagen vale mas que mil palabras le paso una imagen con dicha funcionalidad (ya instale dicho sp y les puedo mencionar que esa caracteristica es funcional)
Esto es una muy buena noticia para todo lo que es la interoperabilidad entre diversas aplicaciones , de la misma manera esto cumple con los principios de interoperabilidad dictaminados por Microsoft.
Saludos Cordiales
Service Pack 2 de MOSS y WSS YA esta disponible.

Con este post queria informarles que ya (hasta que al fin) se encuentra disponible el servicepack 2 de MOSS y de WSS, les dejo los links para que puedan descargarlos
The 2007 Microsoft Office Servers Service Pack 2 (SP2) (Pagina con links a versiones x86 y X64)
Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Service Pack 2 (SP2) - English ( Pagina con links a versiones x86 y X64)
Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Service Pack 2 (SP2) -Espanol (Pagina con links a versiones x86 y X64)
A continuacion les listo algunas de las nuevas funcionalidades presentes en el Service Pack 2
Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 SP2 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server SP2 include fixes and enhancements designed to improve performance, availability, and stability in your server farms. SP2 provides the groundwork for future major releases of SharePoint Products and Technologies.
- An STSADM command line that scans your server farm to establish whether it is ready for upgrade to the next version of SharePoint and provides feedback and best practice recommendations on your current environment.
- SP2 offers support for a broader range of Web browsers.
- Windows Server 2008 SP2 and Windows Server 2008 R2 will be supported on their release.
Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
- The performance and stability of content deployment and variations feature has been improved.
- A new tool has been added to the STSADM command-line utility that enables a SharePoint administrator to scan sites that use the variations feature for errors.
- SP2 makes it easier to configure Excel Web Access Web Parts on new sites.
- Several rendering, calculation, and security issues have been resolved.
- Some display issues have been addressed.
- Improved compatibility with Mozilla Firefox browser
Forms Server
- Memory requirements and the page load times for large browser-rendered forms have been reduced.
- Browser rendering of various controls, such as the 'cannot be blank' asterisk and the rich text field has been improved
Search Server
- Improvements to the reliability and stability of very large corpus crawls
- Backup-restore has been improved.
- A new command has been introduced to the stsadm.exe tool that lets a SharePoint Administrator to tune the Query processor multiplier parameter.
- Improved accuracy in searches involving numbers.
Saludos Cordiales y a empezar a instalar este nuevo Service Pack
Sharepoint tools support in Visual Studio 2010
En una lista de noticias publicables sobre la nueva version de Sharepoint (nombre oficial Sharepoint 2010) me encontre con un post un poco viejo pero que no habia tenido la oportunidad de revisar y me parecio muy interesante.
El post tiene que ver con las nueva expasion de soporte que brindara VS 2010 para trabajo con Sharepoint como un conjunto de template de proyectos, disenos y deployments de infraestructura asi como una extension del API , lo cual hara a los desarrolladores mas productivos en la plataforma Sharepoint.
Les dejo el post completo tomado del blog de Somasegar (Somasegar Weblog)
Espero que le sea de utilidad a todos los desarrolladores que trabajan con Sharepoint o que tienen pensado en un futuro trabajar con la Herramienta.
domingo, 26 de abril de 2009
Final Nacional de Imagine Cup 2009
La final se realizo en las oficinas de Microsoft Costa Rica ubicadas en plaza roble Escazu,en este evento participaron dos equipos (habia un tercero de la Universidad Nacional pero se retiro unos dias antes) provienentes del Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica, los nombres de los proyectos fueron:
- Kàlnet, una red social ecológica.
- Un Mundo Enseñando
Ambos proyectos y las presentaciones de los equipos fueron de gran calidad demostrando el arduo trabajo y dedicacion que los estudiantes dieron a ambos proyectos
Luego de ambas presentaciones y el espacio de preguntas por parte del grupo de jueces se procedio a la calificacion de los equipos. Esta calificacion dio un resultado muy cerrado debido a la calidad de ambos proyectos.
El resultado final dio como ganador al equipo de Un Mundo Enseñando, el cual representara a Costa Rica en la final Centroamericana a realizarse la proxima semana.
Uno de los miembros del equipo de Kalnet durante su presentacionUno de los miembros del equipo Un mundo Ensenando durante su presentacion
lunes, 20 de abril de 2009
Nuevo Podcast sobre el Segundo Simposio Latinoamericano de Sharepoint
Estamos ya a muy pocos dias del Segundo Simposio Latinoamericano de Sharepoint, para promocionar dicho evento tuve la dicha de ser invitado a participar en un podcast organizado por mi gran amigos Luis Du Solier uno de los fundadores de la comunidad Technet Sharepoint de Mexico, junto con otros grandes amigos como hector y roky.
Les dejo el Link para que puedan escuchar el podcast y ojala lo disfruten.
Y les recuedo que no dejen de asistir al Segundo Simposio Latinoamericano de Sharepoint sera un evento para recordar, no se olviden de registrarse lo mas pronto posible para que no se queden sin su lugar. (en el primer simposio lastimosamente mucha gente se quedo sin lugar por esta misma razon)
Este evento sera una gran oportunidad para compartir con muchas personasapasionados de la herramienta asi como muchos de los expertos a nivel latinoamericano, adicionalmente tendremos a Joel Olson que es uno de los gurus a nivel Mundial Sharepoint. No se lo pueden perder por nada
miércoles, 15 de abril de 2009
Microsoft SharePoint “14” es ahora Microsoft SharePoint 2010
Les copio parte de la entrevista realizada a Chris y las principales razones para el cambio de nombres, yo en lo personal extranare mucho el nombre MOSS, pero por el lado positivo ya tenemos un nombre oficial para el nuevo producto y sera Sharepoint 2010
As part of that announcement, we also talked about some of the names for the "14" wave of products including Microsoft Office 2010 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010. I wanted to answer some questions that I think will inevitably pop to the top of your mind:
What happened to the Office piece of the name? We love MOSS. . . .
The first thing you'll notice is that the MOSS acronym goes away with the new name since Office is no longer in the SharePoint official name. No one should worry that SharePoint doesn't work great with Office 2010 since we removed Office from the name, just like people didn't worry whether SharePoint was a great portal product when we removed Portal from the 2007 name.
The primary reason why we took Office out of the name - lots of folks associate the name Office with the Office client. We wanted to take the opportunity to reestablish the Office name and brand to be synonymous with the client suite. I say "Give the people what they Want" so everyone should immediately think of Microsoft Office = Office apps.
Don't try to acronym Microsoft SharePoint Server to MSS since MSS is already taken by Microsoft Search Server. Just remember, SharePoint is SharePoint is SharePoint.
What about Windows SharePoint Services?
When you read through the announcement, you may be wondering what happened to Windows SharePoint Services. While we didn't announcement anything new for WSS, and I want to assure you that we're definitely working on a new v4 version of the product. It's too early to drill into any of the details but WSS is getting a lot of new features and will be a great release. We'll talk more about WSS at a later date.
So, what was announced?
• Exchange 2010 will lead the way for the 2010 (previously referred by its codename "14") wave of technologies and it will be available in the second half of 2009. You can download a beta today.
• Using Office Web applications, customers will be able to create, edit and collaborate on Office documents through a browser.
• IT professionals will be able to choose to either deploy and manage on-premises or hosted as a service.
• For developers, we are working on Open APIs, deep support for industry standards and developer tool support with Visual Studio 2010.
Pueden leer el resto de la entrevista aqui.
martes, 14 de abril de 2009
SharePoint by Day, SharePint by Night 22 y 23 de Abril MEXICO 2009

La idea de esta actividad Postevento es llegar a conocer un poco mas a las personas que trabajan con Sharepoint en un ambiente mas cordional y tranquilo
lunes, 13 de abril de 2009
15 000 Razones para ser MCT
Libros de Microsoft Press GRATIS
The two books for April are:
Windows Small Business Server 2008 Administrator's Companion (Pro—Administrator's Companion) by Charlie Russel and Sharon Crawford
Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition: Build a Program Now! by Patrice Pelland
Saludos Cordiales
lunes, 6 de abril de 2009
Segundo Simposio Latinoamericano de Sharepoint MEXICO 2009
Lastimosamente me es imposible asistir al evento pero espero poder dar la bienvenida en conjunto con Vielka Rojas y Luis Du Solier por Live Meeting.
Espero que puedan asistir al evento y apoyar a nuestros amigos de la comunidad de Mexico , les dejo la invitación al mismo:
La url para registro del evento:
El costo de Participacion es de 250$ mexicanos, un equivalente a SOLO 18U$S.
Lugar: Hotel Fiesta Americana Reforma (Salón Sinaloa, 2o Piso) Reforma #80 México Df. Para mayor información: ldusolier@sharepoint.com.mx o ldusolier@live.com.mx
Certificado como Technology Profesional en Project Server
Este es el tercero de la serie de examenes de especializacion en Project Server junto con el 70-632 TS: Microsoft Office Project 2007, Managing Projects y 70-633 TS: Microsoft Office Project Server 2007, Managing Projects.
El examen consta de un conjunto de 8 casos practicos , en los cuales se basan las preguntas que van orientadas a como implementaro utilizar de la manera mas adecuada las mejores practicas de administracion de proyectos orientadas a Project Server. Me parecio muy bueno el examen ya que mide tanto el conocimiento como la experiencia de las personas ya que en los casos se presentan muchas de las situaciones que uno se encuentra a la hora de realizar un proyecto de implatacion de Project Server 2007.
Adicionalmente para relizar este examen es bueno que la persona tenga conocimiento de Project 2007 asi como del PMBOOK en cuanto a terminologia y metodoligas de administracion Proyectos.
Los insto a realizar este examen realmente esta muy provechosa la experiencia, si necesitan ayuda para algun topico de estos examenes, no duden en contactarme : rjmunozm@gmail.com
jueves, 2 de abril de 2009
Sharepoint Designer Gratis

Pueden descargarlo del siquiente link
Les dejo la nota oficial y el preguntas frecuentes sobre esta muy buena noticia
SharePoint Designer 2007Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Licensing ChangesApril 2, 2009
· Customers tell us that a significant part of the customization capabilities of SharePoint Designer 2007 are seen as an extension of what SharePoint already does.
· In order to continue promoting custom solutions built on SharePoint, and based on this customer feedback, we are making SharePoint Designer 2007 available as a free download starting on April 2, 2009.
· Customers on active Software Assurance as of April 1, 2009 will get rights to Expression Web.
1. What is Microsoft announcing?One of the key aspects of the SharePoint value proposition is its ability to support customized solutions built on our platform. Our strategy is to facilitate the creation of these customizations and allow our customers to make the most of their overall investments in SharePoint. In addition, we hear more and more that customers want to be able to create dynamic web sites on SharePoint. Based on this feedback from our customers, we are making SharePoint Designer 2007 available as a free download starting on April 2, 2009. To “make it right” with our Software Assurance (SA) customers, those customers on Software Assurance for SharePoint Designer 2007 as of April 1, 2009, will be granted rights to Expression Web.
2. What exactly are “SharePoint customizations” and why are they important to Microsoft’s strategic direction?Our different SharePoint server offerings provide a number of capabilities that can help improve organizational effectiveness through comprehensive content management and enterprise search, support for shared business processes and workflows, and capabilities for information-sharing and better business insight, across intranet, extranet, and internet-facing applications, all within one platform. SharePoint customizations include sophisticated no-code solutions such as Data Views, reports, and workflow tracking built by our customers quickly and easily using menus, task panes, and templates. In addition, our platform provides IT professionals and developers with the building blocks and tools for interoperability and extensibility that they need to build customized business solutions on SharePoint.
3. What is the value of this to me as a customer? SharePoint delivers great out-of-the-box functionality. However, the majority of our customers use SharePoint to create custom portal solutions, extranets and intranets, internet-facing sites, collaboration solutions, social networking sites, business processes, and internal applications on top of the extensive capabilities of SharePoint to fulfill their specific business needs. In addition, through SharePoint customizations, customers can integrate and extend their existing enterprise applications to improve the productivity of an organization, increase its agility, and to obtain higher returns on these application investments.
4. Is this product change in reaction to our competitors or other external circumstances, such as the current economy?
As part of Microsoft’s regular strategy reviews, we consulted with many of our customers. Their feedback consistently stressed the value of SharePoint customizations for their business. They also expressed to us how many of the capabilities of SharePoint Designer are seen as “natural” capabilities of SharePoint.
5. What are they key things I should know as a customer?You should know the following:
o Our strategy is to ensure that customers create more and more customizations on SharePoint. We want customers to see the value of SharePoint Designer through their overall investment in SharePoint, and we want to continue helping our customers create dynamic and sophisticated user experiences in SharePoint.
o SharePoint Designer will be available as a free download starting on April 2, 2009.
o Customers should not be purchasing any more licenses of SharePoint Designer, but instead download the product for free at our site (http://www.microsoft.com/spd).
o Customers on active Software Assurance on SharePoint Designer as of April 1, 2009 will get upgrade rights to Expression Web.
o Future versions of SharePoint Designer will also be available as a free download. The next version of SharePoint Designer will ship simultaneously with the next version of SharePoint.
Additional resources and information can be found at http://www.microsoft.com/spd.
6. What will happen to SharePoint Designer? Customization is a critical capability and significant component of the value of SharePoint and Microsoft will continue marketing and R&D investment in this area in future product releases. As a product available for free, however, SharePoint Designer 2007 will no longer be a standalone item on the Microsoft price list as of April 1, 2009. Organizations interested in SharePoint Designer 2007 can obtain it via download for free from http://www.microsoft.com/spd starting on that date. Future releases of SharePoint Designer will also be free. The next version of SharePoint Designer will be available simultaneously with the release of the next version of SharePoint.
7. How do I acquire SharePoint Designer 2007?
SharePoint Designer can be obtained it via free download from http://www.microsoft.com/spd starting on April 2, 2009.
8. Does this mean that SharePoint Designer will be removed from the pricelist? Will that happen immediately?
As a free product, SharePoint Designer 2007 will be removed from the pricelist on April 1, 2009.
9. What about customers who have purchased SharePoint Designer up until now? How will Microsoft “make it right” with them?
Customers with Software Assurance active on SharePoint Designer 2007 as of April 1, 2009 will get upgrade rights to Expression Web.
10. But Expression Web does not currently support SharePoint sites. When will that change?
Expression Web does not currently support SharePoint sites directly. However, we are working to ensure that Expression Web becomes an excellent choice for SharePoint customization. This capability will be available in a future version of Expression Web. In the mean time, customers who receive this Software Assurance benefit should continue to use SharePoint Designer for their SharePoint needs, and can utilize Expression Web for other non SharePoint needs.
11. What value will Expression Web bring to SharePoint?
Expression Web and Expression Suite help professional designers create modern, dynamic and interactive sites that incorporate Silverlight applications and rich media, and it will be an excellent choice for creating great experiences and interactive SharePoint sites, especially as part of the full Expression Suite.
12. What about customer support for SharePoint Designer?
Our customer support policies remain unchanged. We will continue to support all SharePoint Designer customers per our existing support policy. Please visit http://support.microsoft.com/ph/11677.
13. Will customers get a refund if they purchased SharePoint Designer 2007?
No. Microsoft does not refund money on products purchased.
14. What about when SharePoint “v-next” ships? What will happen then?SharePoint Designer “v-next” will be available simultaneously with the release of the next version of SharePoint, and it will also be a free download.
15. What about legacy products such as FrontPage?Many legacy FrontPage customers transitioned to SharePoint Designer. If a customer is active on Software Assurance on SharePoint Designer as of April 1, 2009, it will get rights to Expression Web. Also, current customers of Expression Web are already eligible to use Microsoft FrontPage 2003 in place of Expression Web. Therefore, customers who get rights to Expression Web through these SA benefits of SharePoint Designer 2007 automatically receive that option as well.
16. Will customers still be able to purchase SharePoint Designer if they require more licenses for an existing deployment?No. Organizations should not purchase SharePoint Designer licenses. Organizations interested in SharePoint Designer can obtain it via download from http://www.microsoft.com/spd starting on April 2, 2009.
17. I am a customer of SharePoint Online or interested in it. What does all this mean to me?Microsoft SharePoint Online is a Microsoft-hosted solution that provides a single, integrated location where employees can efficiently collaborate with team members, find organizational resources, search your site, manage content and workflow, and leverage business insight to make better-informed decisions.Because SharePoint Online is based on SharePoint Server, SharePoint Designer can customize SharePoint Online sites. The customization capabilities that are not supported in the current version of SharePoint Online are primarily the use of code in workflows or forms, or modifications that require deployment and configuration on the server (for example, security policies, web.config changes, etc.) or that require changes to the database schema. More information about SharePoint Online can be found at http://www.microsoft.com/online/sharepoint-online.mspx.If I have additional questions, who do I contact?Your account team or Microsoft partner is there to assist you and can provide you with any additional information. Also, we will be providing resources and information at http://www.microsoft.com/spd
Noticia Oficial
One of the key aspects of the SharePoint value proposition is its ability to support customized solutions built on our platform. Our strategy is to facilitate the creation of these customizations and allow our customers to make the most of their overall investments in SharePoint. Based on the feedback from our customers, we are making SharePoint Designer 2007 available as a free download to all customers of SharePoint and Windows SharePoint Services products. This change takes effect on April 1, 2009. It is important to note that SharePoint Designer 2007 is NOT going end-of-life. The future release of SharePoint Designer will be released simultaneously with the next release of the next version of SharePoint. In addition, customers on SA will be granted rights to Expression Web