miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2009
Nuevo Beta Publico de Sharepoint 2010 Disponible
lunes, 19 de octubre de 2009
SharePoint Conference 2009 Dia 0
viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009
Sharepoint Conference Keynotes Transmitidos en vivo
Leyendo un poco antes del viaje me di cuenta de una muy buena noticia para todas las personas interesadas en Sharepoint, los dos Keynotes iniciales de la Conferencia Mundial seran transmitidos en vivo, las charlas seran dadas por Steve Ballmer y Jeff Tepper.
Adicionalmente a partir del lunes en la tarde las charlas estaran para ser bajadas, saludos y espero que los que no puedan ir al evento aprovechen estos keynotes.
jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009
Conferencia Mundial de Sharepoint 2009 SOLD OUT
miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009
¿Desea conocer más acerca de Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Exchange Server 2010 y Microsoft Forefront?
¿Desea conocer más acerca de Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Exchange Server 2010, Forefront y otros productos de Microsoft? Entonces, el Evento de Lanzamiento Virtual de la Nueva Eficiencia es la oportunidad perfecta para hacerlo.
¿Qué encontrará ahí?
* Múltiples sesiones presentadas por Microsoft. Los temas incluyen:
o Compatibilidad de aplicaciones en Windows 7
o Tecnologías de implementación de Windows 7
o Aplicaciones y escritorio remoto con WS08 R2
o Plataforma Web de Microsoft – Lo nuevo en IIS 7.5
o Correo de voz con mensajes unificados en Exchange 2010
o Aplicaciones web para Outlook en Exchange 2010
o Aspectos generales de las soluciones de protección de información
o La mejor seguridad para su empresa con Forefront Security
o Y mucho, mucho más
* Visite los stands virtuales de socios y patrocinadores como:
o Citrix, Intel, PC Magazine, CIO Latinoamérica, CxO Community y muchos más
* Descargue versiones completas de prueba de Windows 7 Enterprise, Server 2008 R2, Exchange Server 2010 y Microsoft Forefront
* Los backpacks virtuales pueden descargar las transcripciones de cada demo, documentación y más
* Enlaces a cientos de recursos Microsoft adicionales para ayudarlo
sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2009
Podcast #17 de la comunidad de Sharepoint Mexico
Realmente les recomiendo este podcast asi como los 16 anteriores que han realizado.
Espero seguir siendo invitado a realizar este tipo de actividad por parte de nuestros amigos de la comunidad de Sharepoint Mexico, los mantendre informado sobre nuevos eventos que realizemos en conjunto.
Ojala que le guste y les sea de provecho este podcast y no se pierdan el proximo, me gustaria saber su opinion sobre el podcast por medio de sus comentarios en este post.
jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2009
10 Pasos para la implementacion exitosa de una Solucion Sharepoint Segun Sharepoint Magazine

1. Confront Reality
Understanding where your company is in its maturity of SharePoint can better help you understand the next steps, as well as the challenges your corporate culture will face. Confronting reality is something that can be done at any time during a deployment. Often, it isn’t a greenfield deployment; there is already something in place, and that current solution may or may not be working. Why?
An assessment of your Intranet, collaborative platforms, file sharing platforms and usage scenarios will help you understand where to begin. It’s time to wake up and see that there are better ways to do things, and you may need resources to accomplish this.
You will find that making any changes will affect the balance of empowerment for the business, and give up some control from IT. It may feel unnatural at first. Doing this with the out-of-the-box deployment often is where companies start with SharePoint. They find that giving the business site collections to create projects, workspaces and team sites makes them very happy.
The balance can get out of control when the business is left with a default install. The default install has faults. There are no quotas enabled, and all data goes into one content database that continues to grow until it fills the drive. Auditing is off, versions aren’t enabled and chaos can reign quite easily without some forethought about the answers to these questions. The newbie mistake is to decide to figure out many of these things later. Later comes too late, when the environment is down or, worse, never backed up. Again, it’s something that by default isn’t automatically configured. Backing up the drives isn’t good enough. The data is in databases, and the binaries and development assets are on the disks, while the configuration is spread across the system. This might seem obvious to those running the system for awhile, but unfortunately it is a common mistake.
2. Create a Governance Plan
People – Think virtual teams. The roles for a SharePoint environment can be as simple as a Portal Admin and an IT Infrastructure Admin. This provides some level of delegation and empowerment for the business, while maintaining patch levels and optimizing administrative tasks by someone who has the appropriate skill set. The larger the enterprise, the more these tasks become divided into roles stemming from a development lifecycle. It may be an SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle) or an Operations framework like MOF 4.0, where a framework is laid out with staged deployment involving different roles— the Dev team, the Test team, the Ops team, the Engineering team and the Service Manager, along with the Project Management Office. A support desk, along with communication functions and release management, can provide these teams with simple to highly-structured support, based on the requirements and complexity of the application and organization.
Process – The process for this service most often determines how the site or site collections live and die—it’s about the lifecycle management of the unit of provisioning. Exchange supports mailboxes and SharePoint supports Site Collection as its most scalable unit, but, in some cases, the unit of provisioning actually is a site. The process is the system set up to support the provisioning process. Imagine it as a workflow from creation all the way through to the archive and deletion process. Who can create sites? Who approves them? How are they managed?
A great way to achieve stability and address cultural issues is to include Site Admin training as a prerequisite to owning a site or site collection. In the training session, you could include HR policies on security and risk associated with your information policies. Your SharePoint community will be happy they were told the rules ahead of time.
Technology – The technology is the platform. It’s also what I like to call the “Buzzwords.” In nearly every SharePoint marketing deck, you will find the SharePoint pie. This pie consists of buzzwords from Portals, web content management, records management, BI and others. The SharePoint Platform is plastic, so mold it to support the service you envision.
Policies – Customization policies will keep you out of trouble. Security policies are right up there, as well. You need to establish the rules of the game and learn how to enforce them. A customization policy might define who can use SharePoint designer, or, it might determine how you support custom development assets and how they are evaluated even before reaching your dev boxes.
Service – The service is what you’re building. It’s what helps you be consistent and achieve scale. The service definition will give you, in black and white, what everyone agreed that you would build and support.
Without a stakeholder who has a budget, your deployment is doomed from the start. You need the visibility and support of the business. At Microsoft, they are called shadow apps. The key stakeholder might be the director of HR, Marketing or Communications. It isn’t always the CEO, or even a C-level executive. While it is great to be on their radar—and have the awesome visibility that goes with a spot on the radar screen, the day-to-day details are rarely discussed in the board room. The CIO’s vision for information management and the ability to support the growth of the business is critical. The platform the CMO chooses to push the marketing message can either hurt or embrace your service. Vision is a key word.
miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2009
Sera la Virtualizacion la mejor opcion para Sharepoint?

Aunque es importante mencionar que en mi opinion no todo deberia virtualizarse en una solucion Sharepoint y en mi caso concuerdo con muchos expertos que mencionan que la mejor manera de implementar este tipo de soluciones es un modo mixto utilizando la virtualizacion en los roles que indique anteriormente y servidores fisicos para los servicios de busqueda, indexamiento y base de datos en caso que sean granjas con alta utilizacion de las busquedas o que poseen grandes bases de datos.
- Bajos Costos de Hardware (un ahorro importante al reducirse la cantidad de Hardware necesario)
- Ahorros en Energia y en Espacio en los Data Centers.
- Bajos Costos de Mantemiento y Administracion de los Servidores (Aunque esto sea malas noticias para el personal de TI)
- Mayor aprovechamiento del Hardware Disponible.(Es posible montar multiples servidores virtuales en un fisico)
- Aprovisionamiento rápido de Servidores.
- Mejor Manejo para la tolerancia y recuperacion de Desastres (no es lo mismo reemplazar un servidor fisico que un virtual, adicionalmente la virtualizacion nos permite manejar mas facilmente el balance de carga en cierto roles dentro de una granja Sharepoint )
Adicional a este conjunto de ventajas que les menciono puede que existan otras que se me escapan o que olvide mencionar (el no dormir provoca ese tipo de cosas).
En el siguiente Link podran encontrar mayor informacion sobre virtualizacion de Sharepoint y otros servidores de aplicaciones Microsoft.
Habiendo mencionado esto
Espero que esta informacion les sea de utilidad si se encuentran pensando en virtualizar sus soluciones Sharepoint.Guia de Practicas y Patrones para la creacion de Aplicaciones Sharepoint
En el blog del equipo de Sharepoint hay un nuevo articulo muy interesantes para los que desarrollan en Sharepoint y son los patrones y practicas a seguir a la hora de desarrollar con sharepoint, estas guias les podran ayudar a acelar la construccion de soluciones Sharepoint
La guia cuenta con los siguientes componentes
Component | Description |
SharePoint Guidance Library | A set of reusable components that helps developers manage configuration, build repositories for SharePoint lists, log traces and events, and use service location. |
Guide | The documentation includes a variety of topics, such as how to use design and application patterns, how to integrate LOB systems with SharePoint applications, building scalable applications, upgrading SharePoint applications, and using SharePoint capabilities to create, and deploy content. It also includes the design decisions made for the Partner Portal and Training Management applications and explanations of their implementations. |
Contoso Partner Portal Reference Implementation | This SharePoint application shows how Contoso created an extranet where it can interact with its partners. Among the items demonstrated are techniques for building manageable and scalable enterprise applications, and how to incorporate publishing and page composition features, flexible navigation, collaboration sites, and LOB integration. It includes more advanced techniques than the Training Management reference implementation and requires Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 with Service Pack 1 or Service Pack 2. |
Contoso Training Management Reference Implementation | This SharePoint application illustrates how the Contoso Human Resources department manages its training course offerings. It shows how to solve many basic SharePoint challenges that you might encounter when you develop your own applications. Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 is required. |
Pueden bajar la guia en la siguiente direccion http://www.microsoft.com/spg
Espero que la guia les sea de utilidad
miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009
Video Introductorio a Que es Sharepoint?
A los que trabajamos en Sharepoint a menudo nos sucede que la gente que conoces que no tiene relacion con la tecnologia te pregunta en que trabajas? y cuando les dices que eres Consultor en Sharepoint, la pregunta que casi siempre sigue es Que es eso? para que sirve? etc etc.
Asi que para solventar un poco estre problema que a menudo nos aqueja les paso un video bastante explicativo y muy sencillo sobre lo que es Sharepoint, les dejo el link en you tube y en MSN:
- MSN - http://video.msn.com/video.aspx?mkt=en-US&vid=76e8d3af-c2bd-42a6-bb12-befcbd041bf1
- YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s12Jb5Z2xa
Espero que esto les ayude a poder explicarle finalmente a todas sus amistades no relacionadas con tecnologia en que trabajan en el dia a dia.
viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009
Windows 7 para Desarrolladores

To help you get your application on Windows 7 as soon as possible, we updated the Windows 7 Training Kit for Developers for the RTM version and gave it a n=ew look and better functionality. You can still find all existing topics such as: Taskbar, Sensor and Location, Libraries and Shell, DirectX, Multi-touch, Ribbon, etc.
No dev was left behind! The kit is built for both native Win32 C++ developers and .NET developers, so now most topics have multiple labs.We also added 6 new Application Compatibility labs: Version Checking, Data Redirection, UIPI, Installer Detection, Session 0 Isolation, and High DPI, to help you get over the most common application compatibility issues.
All the topics in the training kit include additional information like whitepapers, links to MSDN, and links to videos from Channel 9.
Sesiones del Sharepoint Conference 2009
The SharePoint Conference 2009 will be the first time Microsoft will publically share all of what SharePoint 2010 has to offer. We know you want to know what you can expect to see and hear about during the conference – so here’s your SharePoint Conference 2009 session sneak peek!
We have almost 250 sessions planned, and over 80% of them will be brand new 2010 content. That’s 15,000 minutes of SharePoint, SharePoint and more SharePoint that you’re simply not going to get anywhere else!
You’ll get to listen, talk and network with Microsoft Product experts, SharePoint MVPs, Customers, top Industry Analysts and over 140 SharePoint Partners. There won’t be anywhere else on the planet with this concentration of SharePoint knowledge and experience in one place and at one time.
Here’s a little session sneak peek to give you taste of what’s coming…
* SharePoint 2010 Overview and What’s New
* Upgrading to SharePoint 2010
* SharePoint 2010 Capacity and Performance Planning
* SharePoint 2010 Security and Identity Management: What’s New.
* Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Development
* SharePoint 2010 Ribbon, ECMAScript and Dialog Framework Development
* Developing with REST and LINQ in SharePoint 2010
* Upgrading SharePoint Server 2007 Code to SharePoint 2010
* Building SharePoint Composite Applications with the Microsoft Application Platform
* What’s New in Business Connectivity Services (The Business Data Catalog Evolves!)
* FAST Search for SharePoint – Capabilities Deep-Dive
* Advanced Dashboard Creation with PerformancePoint Services for SharePoint 2010
* Overview of Visio 2010 and Visio Services for SharePoint 2010
* SharePoint 2010 Web Content Management Deep-Dive
* If You Build It, They Will Come: Driving End User Adoption
To help you get maximum value from the conference, we will be recording every session and publishing the files within 48 hours for registered attendees to watch, on demand, through the SharePoint Conference 2009 web site. Almost 250 sessions and you won’t miss a thing!
lunes, 10 de agosto de 2009
Articulo sobre Sharepoint en el New York Times
A continuacion les comparto pequeños fragmentos del contenido y mi opinion sobre los mismos
"Think of SharePoint as the jack-of-all-trades in the business software realm. Companies use it to create Web sites and then manage content for those sites. It can help workers collaborate on projects and documents.And it has a variety of corporate search and business intelligence tools too. "
En realidad me parece gracioso y acertado el comentario realizado con el autor en cuanto a que sharepoint es en pocas palabras un todo en uno, lo usamos para todo desde crear paginas a el manejo documental. colaboracion, busqueda etc etc.
"It can’t do everything. Executives at Microsoft will readily admit that the bits and pieces of SharePoint lack the more sophisticated features found in products from specialist software makers."
El aumento de cantidad de compañias que utilizan Sharepoint no solamente para su intranet corporativa si no tambien para su pagina web ha sido impresionante y sigue aumentando ya que muy frecuentemente vemos noticias de nuevos sitios creados en tecnologia Sharepoint.
“SharePoint is saving Microsoft’s Office business even as it paves the way for a new era of Microsoft lock-in,” said Matt Asay, an executive at Alfresco, which makes an open-source content management system. “It is simultaneously the most interesting and dangerous Microsoft technology, and has largely caught its competitors napping.”
Nuevo SP2 Download Disponible
martes, 21 de julio de 2009
Sharepoint SP2 Update
The direct download link for x86 is: http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/F/5/2F51AB71-1325-49D2-9CB9-18DEC4780E99/office2007-kb971620-fullfile-x86-glb.exe
We will be updating the existing Service Pack 2 download package with a new package that includes this fix within the next 4-6 weeks.
Cumulative Update Junio 2009
Description of the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 June cumulative update package http://support.microsoft.com/kb/971538
Installation Recommendation for a fresh SharePoint Server
To keep all files in a SharePoint installation up-to-date, the following sequence is recommended. Service Pack 2 for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and language packs Service Pack 2 for Office SharePoint Server 2007 and language packs Bugfix 971620 (which fix the trial issue, this fix will be included in the next round of cumulative update) June Cumulative Update package for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 June Cumulative Update package for Office SharePoint Server 2007
Please note: Start from April Cumulative Update, the packages will no longer install on a farm without a service pack installed. You must have installed either Service Pack 1 (SP1) or SP2 prior to the installation of the cumulative updates.
Reunion de la Comunidad Sharepoint Costa Rica

6:20 p.m. - 6:40 p.m. Bienvenida
Conferencista: Administradores de la comunidad
6:40 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Conferencia 1 IT Pros
SharePoint Online ¿Sera el Futuro?
Conferencista: Ricardo Muñoz Monge MVP Sharepoint Server
7:30 p.m. 7:40 p.m. Refrigerio
7:40 p.m.8:30 p.m. Conferencia 2 Desarrolladores
Gestión y automatización documental con SharePoint y Open Xml
Conferencista: Ing.Johan Granados.
lunes, 13 de julio de 2009
Sharepoint 2010 Primera Mirada

Adicionalmente en la pagina encontraran informacion sobre como estar preparados para la nueva version del producto y que necesitamos para poder migrar nuestra plataforma una vez que se de el lanzamiento de Sharepoint y por ultimo pero no menos imporante en la pagina encontraran la nueva version de la famosa rueda o circulo de Sharepoint 2007 (la cual ya conocemos bastante), de la cual les paso una imagen

Nuevo Logo de Mundo MOSS
Volviendo de vacaciones mi gran amigo Felix Meza me tenia una agradable sorpresa con un conjunto de nuevos posibles logos para el blog, a continuacion les paso la imagen con las seis opciones, les agradeceria mucho que me pudieran ayudar a escoger el mejor por medio de sus comentarios a este post, mencionando cual logo les gusta mas.
De vuelta al Blogeo
Saludos Cordiales y disculpas por la espera
jueves, 18 de junio de 2009
Atlantisoft Partner Latinoamericano de Kaaldera
Queria comunicarles la noticia que descubri en la pagina oficial de Kaldeera sobre sus nuevos partner en latinoamerica y encontre la agradable noticia sobre la empresa de capital costarricense Atlantisoft.
Muchas Felicidades para AtlantiSoft por seguir ampliando horizontes, siendo nuevos partners oficiales para Costa Rica y Latinoamerica de Kaldeera.
| AtlantiSoft |
| DirectorioPyme |
| Hiller NeoSeg Technology & Management |
| IntegraMOSS |
| MepsNet |
| OLAM |
| Oxinet |
| Siderys |
martes, 16 de junio de 2009
E-Books Gratis por el 25 aniversario de Microsoft Press
Gracias al 25 aniversario de Microsoft Press, hay dos e-libros gratis para descargar para el mes de junio.
La URL estara disponible del 17-24 al de Junio del 2009. Los invito a descargar el libro antes de que caduque ..

By Rui Maximo, Kurt De Ding, Vishwa Ranjan, Chris Mayo, Oscar Newkerk, and the Microsoft OCS team
Link: http://csna01.libredigital.com/?urrs4gt63d

By Rui Maximo, Rick Kingslan, Rajesh Ramanathan, and Nirav Kamdar with the Microsoft Office Communications Server Team
Link: http://csna01.libredigital.com/?urws8un4p7
viernes, 5 de junio de 2009
Microsoft Touch Pack for Windows 7

Windows 7 se lanzara el 22 de Octubre

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2009
Reunion de la Comunidad Sharepoint Costa Rica 28 de Mayo
Hola Amigos
En la reunion tuvimos dos charlas muy interesantes sobre el uso de .net e Infopath para la creacion de Formularios y Flujos de Trabajo asi como un tema muy interesante de instalacion de Sharepoint 2007 en Windows 2008 y SQL 2008.
Agradecemos a todos los participantes y les esperamos el proximo 21 de Julio
martes, 2 de junio de 2009
Nuevo Libro sobre Flujos en Sharepoint por Gustavo Velez
Hola Amigos
Mi amigo Gustavo Velez me comento hoy sobre la salida de su nuevo libro sobre Flujos en Sharepoint, espero leerlo pronto para comentarles que me parecio.
Les paso parte del post de Gustavo sobre el Libro
Hace un par de días ha sido publicado mi último libro sobre SharePoint: "Workflows and SharePoint: Going with the Flow". Como se podrán dar cuenta por el título, se trata sobre flujos de trabajo y ha sido escrito en ingles...
Si a alguien le interesa, lo pueden encontrar en Barnes & Noble (http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Workflows-And-Sharepoint/Gustavo-Velez/e/9788493669607/?itm=1) o en Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/Workflows-SharePoint-Going-Gustavo-Velez/dp/8493669601/ref=sr_1_22?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1241287093&sr=1-22).
El libro es principalmente dedicado a desarrolladores, y pretende dar una imagen completa sobre el desarrollo de Flujos de Trabajo para SharePoint 2007 desde lo más esencial (uso de los flujos por defecto), pasando por temas medianos (creación de flujos con SharePoint Designer) hasta temas avanzados (creación de flujos con Visual Studio usando formularios aspx e InfoPath).
Muchas Felicitaciones a Gustavo por esta nueva publicacion
viernes, 22 de mayo de 2009
Informacion Importante sobre el Service Pack 2 de Sharepoint Server 2007
Attention: Important Information on Service Pack 2
We take product quality seriously and make every effort to avoid and resolve issues that adversely impact our customers. Unfortunately, we have recently discovered a bug with Service Pack 2 (SP2) that affects all customers that have deployed it for SharePoint Server 2007.
During the installation of SP2, a product expiration date is improperly activated. This means SharePoint will expire as though it was a trial installation 180 days after SP2 is deployed. The activation of the expiration date will not affect the normal function of SharePoint up until the expiration date passes. Furthermore, product expiration 180 days after SP2 installation will not affect customer's data, configuration or application code but will render SharePoint inaccessible for end-users.
We are working to release a hotfix to automatically fix this issue. A manual work-around is currently available and involves customers re-entering their Product ID number (PID) on the Convert License Type page in Central Administration. For more information and detailed steps please read this KB article<http://support.microsoft.com/kb/971620>. (The KB link is not currently active, it will be available within the next 48hrs)
We want to assure our customers that this issue does not impact data integrity or their SharePoint deployment in any other way.
For your convenience, below are some answers to questions that you may have and we will update this blog post with a link to the hotfix as soon as it's available.
We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may cause you.
Jeff Teper
Corporate Vice President
Which products are affected by this?
Applying Service Pack 2 to any of the following products will result in this issue: Office SharePoint Server 2007, Project Server 2007, Form Server 2007, Search Server 2008 and Search Server 2008 Express.
Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 is not affected by this issue.
What can I do to fix it?
To work around this issue customers will need to re-enter their Product ID numbers (PID) on the Convert License Type page in Central Administration. Please see this KB article<http://support.microsoft.com/kb/971620> for detailed steps. (The KB link is not currently active, it will be available within the next 48hrs)
Customers can also wait for the hotfix (available for free from http://support.microsoft.com/) to resolve this issue.
Product ID numbers (PIDs) can be retrieved by logging into the Volume Licensing Service Center<https://www.microsoft.com/licensing/servicecenter/Home.aspx?lc=1033>.
Note: For Search Server 2008 Express the only way to resolve this issue is to apply the hotfix.
What is Microsoft doing to fix it?
Microsoft is working on a hotfix and public update for the product. We will update this blog post with details and a link to the hotfix as soon as it is available.
Do I need to update all of the servers in my farm?
No. The Product ID number only needs to be entered once.
What if I haven't installed SP2 yet but want to? What should I do?
You can continue to plan for and install Service Pack 2 for SharePoint Server 2007 with the additional step of re-entering your Product ID number after the installation is complete by following the instructions in this KB article<http://support.microsoft.com/kb/971620>. (The KB link is not currently active, it will be available within the next 48hrs)
Does this issue impact anything else?
The issue only activates the product expiration date. The activation of the expiration date does not affect the normal function of SharePoint up until the expiration date passes, at which point SharePoint will be inaccessible for end-users. This issue does not affect customer's data, configuration or application code.
I can't find/don't know my original PID, where can I find it?
Product ID numbers (PIDs) can be retrieved by logging into the Volume Licensing Service Center<https://www.microsoft.com/licensing/servicecenter/Home.aspx?lc=1033>.
jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009
Reunion de Mayo de la Comunidad Sharepoint Costa Rica

Por este medio quiero enviarles la invitacion a la proxima reunion de la comunidad de SharePoint Costa Rica.
La reunion se estara realizando el dia 28 de mayo en el tercer piso de la Universidad Latina, en la sala de video conferencias, el siguiente es link para registrarse
A continuacion la agenda del evento:
6:20 p.m.6:40 p.m. Bienvenida
Conferencista: Administradores de la comunidad
6:40 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Introducción a la utilización de InfoPath con SharePoint.
Conferencista: Ernesto Von Storren
7:30 p.m. 7:40 p.m. Refrigerio
7:40 p.m.8:30 p.m. Instalacion de Sharepoint 2007 en Windows Server 2008
Conferencista: Carlos Obando y Eduardo Castro
Estaremos rifando varios premios en el evento.
Libros Gratuitos de Microsoft Press

Hola Amig@s
Ya estan disponibles los libros gratuitos del mes de mayo de Microsoft Press en su 25 aniversario, la promocion concluye el 27 de mayo asi que obtiene los tuyos HOY mismo.
Windows Server 2008 Terminal Services Resource Kit, by Christa Anderson and Kristin L. Griffin with the Microsoft Presentation Hosted Desktop Virtualization Team
The Practical Guide to Defect Prevention, by Marc McDonald, Robert Musson, and Ross Smith
Espero que estos libros les sean de Utilidad
lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009
Lista de Herramientas para Developers en Sharepoint
- App Pool Manager (http://www.harbar.net/apm/apm2.zip)
- U2U CAML Query Builder (http://www.u2u.info/SharePoint/U2U%20Community%20Tools/U2U%20Caml%20Query%20Builder%202007%20v3.1.0.0%20(windows%20version).zip)
- .NET Reflector (http://reflector.red-gate.com/download.aspx)
- SharePoint Log Reader (http://www.blogaboutsharepoint.com/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=1)
- BDC Meta Man Tool (http://www.lightningtools.com/pages/service/customerdownloads.aspx)
- SharePoint Inspector (http://spi.codeplex.com/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=1652#DownloadId=5854)
- SharePoint Explorer for WSS 3.0 (http://download.mondosoft.com/Ontolica/SharePointExplorer_V1_5_1_For_WSS3.zip)
- SharePoint Dispose Checker Tool (http://download.microsoft.com/download/B/4/D/B4D279A0-E159-40BF-A5E8-F49ABDBE95C7/SPDisposeCheck.msi)
- Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 SDK (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=05E0DD12-8394-402B-8936-A07FE8AFAFFD&displaylang=en)
- Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 SDK (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=6D94E307-67D9-41AC-B2D6-0074D6286FA9&displaylang=en)
- WSP Builder for SharePoint (http://www.codeplex.com/wspbuilder)
- Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Tools: Visual Studio 2005 Extensions (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=3e1dcccd-1cca-433a-bb4d-97b96bf7ab63&DisplayLang=en)
- Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Tools: Visual Studio 2008 Extensions (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=7BF65B28-06E2-4E87-9BAD-086E32185E68&displaylang=en)
- SharePoint Administration Toolkit v2.0 x64: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=F8EEA8F0-FA30-4C10-ABC9-217EEACEC9CE&displaylang=en x86: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=263CD480-F6EB-4FA3-9F2E-2D47618505F2&displaylang=en
- SmartPart (http://www.codeplex.com/smartpart)
- SharePoint Installer (http://www.codeplex.com/sharepointinstaller)
- SOAP calls to the SharePoint web services (http://www.soapui.org/)
Saludos y ojala estas herramientas les sean de utilidad a todos los que desarrollan con Sharepoint
Anunciando Requerimientos de Sistema Preliminares para Sharepoint 2010
- SharePoint Server 2010 sera solamente para 64 bits.
- SharePoint Server 2010 se necesitara Windows Server 2008 64 Bits o Windows Server 2008 R2 64 Bits.
- Sharepoint Server 2010 se necesitara SQL Server 2008 64-Bits o SQL Server 2005 64-Bit.
Adicionalmente en el post se anuncian algunos detalles preliminares de la compatibildad de Browsers que tendra Sharepoint 2010. Se menciona que habra compatibilidad completa con los browser standard como Internet Explorer 7, Internet Explorer 8 and Firefox 3.x. que corran sobre sistema operativo windows asi como una mayor compatibilidad con browsers como Firefox 3.x y Safari 3.x corriendo en sistemas operativos NO windows. Debido a lo anterior Sharepoint 2010 no tendra compatibilidad con Internet Explorer 6.0.
A continuacion les dejo el resto del post que es una seccion de Preguntas frecuentes sobre el tema:
So, what can you do today to get into the best shape for SharePoint Server 2010?
Start by ensuring new hardware is 64-bit. Deploying 64-bit is our current best practice recommendation for SharePoint 2007. Deploy Service Pack 2 and take a good look at the SharePoint 2010 Upgrade Checker that’s shipped as part of the update. The Upgrade Checker will scan your SharePoint Server 2007 deployment for many issues that could affect a future upgrade to SharePoint 2010.
Get to know Windows Server 2008 with SharePoint 2007, this post is a great starting point.
Consider your desktop browser strategy if you have large population of Internet Explorer 6 users. Continue to follow the Best Practices guidance for SharePoint Server 2007.
Keep an eye on this blog for updates and more details in the coming months. Below are a few common Q&A’s (which we’ll add to as required)
Q: What about Internet Explorer 6 and SharePoint 2010 publishing sites?
A: The Web Content Management features built into SharePoint 2010 will provide a deep level of control over the markup and styling of the reader experience. These features will enable customers to design pages that are compatible with additional browsers for viewing content, including Internet Explorer 6. A standards based browser such as Internet Explorer 7, Internet Explorer 8 or Firefox 3.x will be required to author content.
Q: Is Internet Explorer 6 officially supported by Microsoft?
A: Official Microsoft Product Support for Internet Explorer 6 will expire in July 2010. You can find additional information on Microsoft’s Support Lifecycle Policy including specific dates, product information and support offerings here: http://support.microsoft.com/gp/lifepolicy.
Q: Why are you only supporting the 64-bit versions of SQL Server 2005 or 2008 for SharePoint Server 2010?
A: This decision was based on our current test data for SharePoint Server 2010 and real world experience from customers running SharePoint Server 2007 with 32-bit SQL Server. SharePoint performance and scalability can benefit significantly from 64-bit SQL Server and the throughput increases are significant enough for us to make the difficult decision to only support SharePoint Server 2010 on 64-bit SQL Server 2005 or 2008. It has been our strong recommendation for some time that SharePoint Server 2007 customers take advantage of 64-bit SQL Server due to the inherent performance and scale benefits it can provide.
Saludos y como ven ya estamos mas cerca de Sharepoint 2010.
miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009
Ya esta Publicada www.unidoscontralainfluenza.org

Hemos avanzado bastante desde que se conceptualizo la idea pero aun asi necesitamos aun apoyo de voluntarios que nos puedan ayudar en las siguiente areas:
- Branding
- Edicion de Contenido
- Silverlight
- Diseño Grafico
Cualquier interesado puede dejar un comentario en este post o escibir a mi email rjmunozm@gmail.com
miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009
Como Podría SharePoint Ayudar en la Epidemia de Gripe Porcina
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